Bebebalm was born out of love. And necessity. A mom was hell bent on finding natural solutions for her baby's very dry, irritated skin and rashes. Nothing was working, and the baby's dependence on steroids was making the flares worse. Bebebalm is a collaboration between the baby's crunchy mama, and his medical doctor-biochemist father.
From humble beginnings, Bebebalm is now focused on product innovations on skin health, first aid, and safety. Watch this space!

My newborn was plagued with very dry, rough, itchy skin brought by eczema, it was so bad he’d scratch himself until he bled. No moisturizers we’ve tried worked well enough. This momma refused to accept that steroids is the only viable solution. Steroids thin out skin and make his next flare up worse. Topical steroids may also be absorbed into a baby’s bloodstream. I wish to break our baby's dependence to steroids, there must be nd find gentle yet effective soothers.
Eczema has no cure, I learned. So I changed the question,
"How can we help skin get healthier?"
This sparked my love affair with Mother Nature. I went back to my roots and actively pursued Asian natural remedies, and studied western aromatherapy. My doctor husband and I combined Science + Nature to create effective yet gentle plant-based solutions for sensitive skin. This works wonders in helping skin get back to health. Bebebalm was born.
All our products were created to help soothe a loved one's needs. They were not meant to be sold, they were meant to work. We'd create extras to share with friends, their friends, even strangers in need. Our fans persuaded us to sell and make these wondrous little comforts available to more families. I know the feeling of helplessness whenever my kids get itchies, ouchies, and booboos. I said yes, but did't know where to start. Fans help build the business, from helping design packaging, to making it available on ecommerce and bazaars, to sharing their Bebebalm discoveries with friends. What started as a hobby became my purpose. I gave up my career and took a leap to be a mompreneur. To focus on finding alternative, gentler solutions based on natural time-honored soothers. ​
I hope you'll find comfort in our products too. Do share your reviews and uses you discover at @Bebebalm Community and @Bebebalm on Facebook; @Bebebalm on Instagram. You can reach us at @Bebebalm on Facebook or email