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Elle China recommends Bebebalm!

Carol Ong

Elle China is always on the look out for the new awesome things. So imagine our surprise and joy when they featured both Bebebalm and Bebebugs! This is great news., the digital platform of Elle magazine in China, is one of China's top Fashion sites. They heard about our products through word of mouth, tried them, and.....they recommended both products to their followers today! (September 29, 2013)

Bebebalm is featured in Elle's Body section. They coined it as "Your Best Friend this Winter". Because it quickly softens and soothes winter dry skin.

The article is in Chinese. Here's the English translation:

The colder it gets outside, the more you'd want to stay inside and cuddle up. That's why having soft, healthy skin is even more important in winter. Sadly, ordinary moisturizers are no match for the harsh climate and drying heaters, leaving your skin very dry, rough or irritatingly itchy.

For suberb moisturizing, try new Bebebalm. It's a fabulously rich, non-greasy and long lasting moisturizing balm. It's handcrafted from USDA-Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. Bebebalm is a double-acting skin rescue balm: its natural skin ingredients and Lauric Acid go deep down to rehydrate and repair your dry damaged skin. Then it protects your skin from outside elements, keeping your skin moisturized for longer.

Bebebalm feels very soothing for itchy winter dry skin. Real users swear by it on their eczema, chapped lips, minor sunburns, cracked heels, rough elbows, knees and hands. It's also great on pregnant bellies and diaper rash. It has no paraben, non-pore clogging, and has no added fragrance.

Bebebalm was born out of love (and a mother's desperation). It was originally developed to save a newborn's face from eczema. Because no moisturizer in the market was rich enough yet gentle enough for the baby's damaged skin. So the baby's mom, together with the dad who's a medical doctor and biochemist, and a top dermatologist aunt formulated a rich moisturizer that's gentle enough for a newborn's sensitive skin. They initially gave jars of Bebebalm to friends, and these people kept coming back for more because it works so well on their babies and on their own skin.

Nourish your skin with Bebebalm, and keep your skin cuddly soft this winter.

Thank you!

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