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Carol Ong

My skin didn’t hurt anymore, it feels moisturized and it doesn’t dry out fast.

Shanghai, China

去年12月初我從美國囬來的時候,正好是上海空氣質量最恐怖的時候,我并沒有注意去保護,心想Las Vegas這麽大的風,沙漠這麽干的地方,我的皮膚都沒有問題,在這裏怎麽會有問題? 結果。。。囬來整個臉每次洗完以後塗抹什麽都痛到不行,幾乎不能碰,任何cream/lotion塗上去就像一小杯水倒在沙漠里一樣,瞬間就沒了,就留下干的皮。




-楊珺 Doris Young, Marketing Director,

Akzonobel Dulux China

Translation: Last December, I came back from the USA to the most horrible Shanghai air pollution*. I didn’t pay much attention on protecting my skin, since my skin didn’t have any problems in Las Vegas, even where the desert’s so dry and there’s so much harsh wind. But how come in China my skin started acting up? My face felt painful whenever I wash my face, I can hardly touch my skin. Any cream/lotion I apply is like pouring a smal cup fo water in a desert, it’s as if nothing was applied, my skin remained very dry.

Then I thought that Carol’s Bebebalm may help so I bought a jar. It smells great, I feel like a big coconut after putting it on, hiahiahia. The main thing is, my skin didn’t hurt anymore, it feels very moisturized, and it doesn’t dry out fast. On dry patches, I just dab a bit and it’s fine. In just a week, my skin has improved a lot. In two weeks, I can put on make up again and can go back to my normal cream/lotion. But I continue to use Bebebalm every evening until now, to protect my skin in the winter.

(*editor’s note: In December 2013, Shanghai’s Air Pollution Air Quality index reached to a highly toxic 600++. Healthy air levels are AQI 25 and below, according to the World Health Organization)

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