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Yes, we can sow and reap at the same time.

Carol Ong

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

"Some seasons are for sowing. Some are for harvesting. Know what freaking season you’re in. Saves you a ton of pain."

Unapologetic Dude, author, and inspirational speaker, Francis Miranda, posted this on Facebook. These wise words made me pause for a moment. I wish I knew this a few years back. I expected my every season to give a bountiful harvest, especially in my career, and ended up growing mainly wrinkles and unnecessary stress.

Then again, knowing what I know now, I do not entirely agree. We could do crop rotation. This way, we could sow and harvest at the same time. I grew up in the sugar capital of the world. (At least, that was what our teacher taught us.) We grow the finest sugarcanes, harvested only once a year. So what happens is, the farmers are bountiful during planting and harvest season; but starve the rest of the year.

Before you sow, first you must lay the groundwork. # childlabor

My cousin had an idea. He subdivided their farm, and planted sugarcanes at different months. Thus he is able to harvest several times a year. This gives his farmers work year-round and cashflow to feed their families. No one is left idle.

In life, we can also subdivide our time and priorities. We may not be winning accolades at work, but that same year, family life's wonderful. Or we learned a new skill. Or we met new friends. Or reconnected with old friends. Or read new books. Or travelled.

We can sow and harvest at the same time,

just not on the same places.

The little one prefers to grow lechon (roast pig).

Why wait on what nature dictates? We can plant fast-growing and slow growing "crops." simultaneously in our lives. The fast-growing ones sustain us, and let us survive while we care for the slow growing efforts that reap higher rewards. Just like legumes and rootcrops can be planted in between the major crops, we too can enjoy little happinesses everyday. Such as eating onion-sautéed corned beef on steaming white rice downed with ice cold soda, or sharing a giggle over a private joke, or do a random act of kindness.

We could be bountiful year-round. We can sow and reap at the same time. If we choose.

Giant bananas and senioritas harvested from the farm

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