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Clear Cradle Cap in 15 minutes

Carol Ong
Bye Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is so easy to solve🥰! Yes, that greasy, scaly or flaky patches on a baby’s scalp, face, brows & eyelids, ears, nose, neck or diaper area. It’s usually yellowish, white, or brown; the skin beneath the scales may appear red or inflamed. Also knowns as Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis, it’s common in infants and usually not itchy. It bothers moms more than the babies😁The exact causes of cradle cap isn’t clear, but...


  • Dab a generous dollop of Bebebalm ByeDry on the cradle cap and massage in gentle circles.

  • Leave on scalp and skin for 15-30 minutes. 

  • Loosen flakes gently with a soft hairbrush or your fingertips. CRADLE CAP SLIDES OFF LIKE MAGIC!

Just repeat the process the next day if there are flakes left. For better results, nourish skin & scalp every morning and night with Bebebalm ByeDry, just a thin layer so it absorbs fast. For healthier, stronger skin and scalp. 

Try Bebebalm Clarifying Shampoo bar too. It's hydrating and non-irritating; made of coconuts, olives, shea butter, and grapeseed oil. No fragrance, No dyes added.

Crusty, flaky, scaly, or dry cradle cap
Massage Bebebalm ByeDry on Cradle Cap
Leave Bebebalm ByeDry on for 15-30 minutes on cradle cap
Use a soft brush or fingers to loosen cradle cap
Cradle cap slides off like magic with Bebebalm ByeDry
Nourish  skin daily, say bye to cradle cap
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