All was well until my eldest went to me and said he smelled something bad, I joked, "Is it your f-a-r-t?" It smells like something's burning, he said. I sprang to the kitchen. My boy had his most innocent face on, in front of him is the bread toaster with a partially burnt delivery box. Our househelp must've been distracted by the baby and forgot about the empty box stacked on top of the appliance. While my kids know they're not supposed to play with fire, the toaster buttons look as harmless as TV buttons. I reminded them not to touch any appliance without permission.
We had a close call with fire recently, thank heavens we are safe. We teach family first aid, and this incident sparked me to share with you some useful knowledge on : Common fire and burn prevention Identifying how bad is the burn First aid for burns, and Signs you need to see a doctor Please share this article to friends and loved ones. We hope you all stay safe, but this could come in handy.

Our kids are back to online schooling. I don't know how y'all manage it and stay sane, but it is a circus at home. My boys kept distracting each other so I separated them. We have limited space, so one kid stayed in the living room, the baby was in the bedroom with me, and another kid was in the kitchen where there are least distractions. Or so I thought.

All was well until my eldest went to me and said he smelled something bad, I joked, "Is it your f-a-r-t?" It smells like something's burning, he said. I sprang to the kitchen. My boy had his most innocent face on, in front of him is the bread toaster with a partially burnt delivery box. Our househelp must've been distracted by the baby and forgot about the empty box stacked on top of the appliance. While my kids know they're not supposed to play with fire, the toaster buttons look as harmless as TV buttons. I reminded them not to touch any appliance without permission.

While it is common sense, sometimes we get distracted or forget. My previous Ayi used to put a lighter on top of an oven toaster, so it's "away from the gas range". One time we used the oven toaster and didn't notice the lighter. The lighter heated up and exploded, shards of sharp plastic flew everywhere. Fortunately, no one was nearby.
The Hand Sanitizer is a part of the new normal. But don't leave it lying near a heat source. When you just hand sanitized your hands, don't go near the kitchen or BBQ grill or anywhere with high heat or fire. Many hand sanitizers are made from alcohol which is flammable. When the fumes have evaporated from hands, they could still be flammable in the air. It is safer to wash hands with soap and water when you're home.

Teach this to your kids and household, it may save a life. If the person is on fire, the natural reaction is to run or move frantically. This is one of the worst things to do, it creates a breeze that adds oxygen to the fire and makes it worse. Teach your kids to Stop-Drop-Roll. STOP moving, DROP on the ground, and ROLL on the ground back and forth to extinguish the flames. If someone's on fire, cover the fire with a non-flammable cloth to starve it from oxygen. Or use a fire extinguisher. Water can usually stop the fire, but if the fire is caused by hot oil, it may cause the hot oil to splatter everywhere.
Swipe left to see what's the first aid for burns, and when to go to the hospital.
Soothe burns/ sunburns and help prevent scarring. Dab on unbroken skin 3 to 4x daily to promote skin health. The precious plant oils Helichrysum, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, and Organic Virgin Coconut Oil are helpful in skin rejuvenation, collagen & elastin production; and are time-honored aids for burns & scars.
