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Her Baby Fat Rash healed in 3 days.
Shanghai, China 宝宝因为太胖,脖子里捂着不透气,除了很严重的湿疹. 两侧耳朵周围皮肤严重干燥,有蜕皮.用了很多产品,效果不理想,很慢.宝宝晚上睡觉会用手抓,还是很痒.自从用了Bebebalm 倍蓓棒护肤品,皮肤干燥明显改善.脖子用Bebebugs...

Did you know? Bebebugs works on itchy food allergy. It was a lifesaver.
Singapore Did you know? Bebebugs works on itchy food allergy. It was a lifesaver during our Europe trip last Christmas. My friend had an...

Such no fuss, no joke skin savers!!! Eto na ang qualified sa Hallelujiah!
Manila, Philippines Got my bebebalm & bebebugs stash! 2nd day and… nakakaloka loving it! already gave some to my best friend and her...

They really are wonderful. And do work, which is more important.
London, United Kingdom February 24, 2014 I just wanted to say thank you for the creams. They really are wonderful. And do work, which is...

Really love the Bebebugs. Kids not getting bites anymore! They apply to school everyday.
Singapore “Really love the Bebebugs. Kids not getting bites anymore! Using up fast – They apply to school everyday.” “Bebebugs truly...

Wonder Balms
Bebe products are wonder balms! I had this scaly rash on the side of my torso due to cold weather and thermals that don’t let your skin...

I switched from La Mer & Argan Oil
Philippines 菲律宾 Aanhin pa ang La Mer kung may Bebebalm?! This is the new moisturizer I use nightly. It's great for your baby as well, and...
宝宝一晚上被蚊子咬了13个包 整条,bebebugs 很快就消肿了
Shanghai, China October 14, 2014 宝宝一晚上被蚊子咬了13个包 整条小腿几乎都肿 用了邻居推荐的bebebugs 很快就消肿了 -小麦 Translation: My baby got 13 mosquito bites in one...
Elle China recommends Bebebugs!
Elle China featured both Bebebugs and Bebebalm today! This is a such lovely endorsement. We are a small start up so it's quite surreal to...
I discovered unknown insect bites on my son’s face at 3:30AM, by 13:00PM, the insect bites with pus
Guangzhou China Translation: “At 3:30AM I discovered unknown insect bites on my son’s face, he won’t let me touch the affected area maybe...

Moisturizers Mano-a-Mano
It was such a lovely sunny day, I was working in our office garden when I accidentally spilled water on the wooden garden table. The wood...

Bebebugs works perfectly in Stockholm with a lot of unknown insects. Bebebalm is definitely soothin
“The Bebebugs balm is an awesome insect repellent, with all natural ingredients that don’t do any harm to your skin and it works...

Bebebugs is amazing, the lingering rash on my son's hand has been fixed now
Bebebugs is amazing, the rashes on my son’s hand which stayed for a few months, has been fixed now, u r amazing, thank u very much. It’s...

I apply them to mosquito bites, dry skin, and even on my son's itchy Chicken Pox
Bebebalm and Bebebugs are great products for both adults and children. I apply them on mosquito bites, dry skin and even on my son’s...

The eczema on my face cleared up after 2 days
The eczema on my face cleared up after using Bebebugs formula for 2 days!! This stuff rocks! - Ruth Kuguru, digital magazine publisher...

Within minutes, my boy's itchy heat rash calmed down. It's a relief for both of us.
My son had some eczema as a baby and is prone to heat rashes. Last summer it was really bad, all over his body, for about 1.5 weeks and...

5 Natural Ways to Avoid Being a Mosquito Buffet
There are many theories why some people attract more insects than others. Some say mosquitoes prefer certain blood types. Some say...
Uncanny solutions for baby's eczema and itch
The first line of defense for eczema is to keep skin moisturized. When skin is damaged (as it is with eczema), there are gaps in the skin...

我闻到的时候很想把他涂到面包上吃,很香 My baby smells yummy, I want to put her in a bun and take a bite
女儿才一岁,被蚊子咬了也不敢乱涂东西,这个产品没有任何化学成分,都是天然的东西,即使孩子添到因该也没什么问题。我闻到的时候很想把他涂到面包上吃,很香。效果还可以,至少孩子不会潞安挠。 -孙杰, Associate Creative Director Shanghai,...

Mi hija no le picó ningún mosquito en todas las vacaciones (My daughter did not have any mosquito bi
Hola! La verdad que use el bálsamo para los mosquitos y súper bien, a mi hija no le picó ningún mosquito en todas las vacaciones, a su...
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