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Recommended by Wedding Essentials as Quick fixes for Weddings and Honeymoons
Premiere wedding magazine Wedding Essentials featured both Bebebalm and Bebebugs in their July 2015 issue. They recommended these for...

7 weapons to win over Mosquitos
Originally published in on June 24, 2015 (Here’s what our No Nonsense Mommy, Carol has to say on summer’s menace....
Calm the itch, Know the cause
Stop scratching! It sometimes takes Jedi-force to keep yourself from scratching the itch. But do it you must. "The more you scratch the...
宝宝一晚上被蚊子咬了13个包 整条,bebebugs 很快就消肿了
Shanghai, China October 14, 2014 宝宝一晚上被蚊子咬了13个包 整条小腿几乎都肿 用了邻居推荐的bebebugs 很快就消肿了 -小麦 Translation: My baby got 13 mosquito bites in one...
Elle China recommends Bebebugs!
Elle China featured both Bebebugs and Bebebalm today! This is a such lovely endorsement. We are a small start up so it's quite surreal to...

Bebebugs calmed down some huge, really itchy spider bites and stopped them from swelling.
London, United Kingdom Bebebugs really helped during the summer with some spider bites – they were huge and really itchy , but the...
I discovered unknown insect bites on my son’s face at 3:30AM, by 13:00PM, the insect bites with pus
Guangzhou China Translation: “At 3:30AM I discovered unknown insect bites on my son’s face, he won’t let me touch the affected area maybe...

I apply them to mosquito bites, dry skin, and even on my son's itchy Chicken Pox
Bebebalm and Bebebugs are great products for both adults and children. I apply them on mosquito bites, dry skin and even on my son’s...

5 Natural Ways to Avoid Being a Mosquito Buffet
There are many theories why some people attract more insects than others. Some say mosquitoes prefer certain blood types. Some say...
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